Southern Regional History | 1929

The Southern Region traces its origins to 1929 when Roberta F. Bell was elected as the National First Anti-President. She served through 1934. At that time, the National First Anti-President also performed the duties of national organizer. At the same Boule in 1929, Roberta was appointed to serve as the Southern Regional Director and given the assignment of organizing a region to be comprised of Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Alabama. From 1929 to 1934 Roberta organized new chapters in every section of the region. From this beginning, the Southern Region began to grow rapidly, and this trend continues today.
In 1937, the Southern Region invited the Boule to Houston. The 1937 Boule was the first held south of the Mason-Dixon line, which was the historic dividing line between North and South. Forty-five voting delegates attended.
Between 1937 and 1943, the Southern Region grew into the largest region in the sorority. It still bears the name it was given during these years, "The Mighty Southern Region", because it was so strong and gave such excellent leadership to the national body. Many of the projects undertaken by the Southern Region were adopted by the national body, and the national body has grown with many of the ideas initiated in the Southern Region, such as the Blue Revue. The region grew so rapidly and became so large that eventually all states except Texas and Louisiana were reassigned to other regions. This was a logical move because the two states border each other, and there are enough colleges and communities in the two states to warrant a region. Despite their geographic separation, chapters in the region are linked together by a regional director with the assistance of state directors and regional elected and appointed officers.
The Alpha Kappa Zeta Chapter is the sponsoring graduate chapter of Omicron Theta from which our current Regional Director, Keisha M. Beasley became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.
The achievements of the "Mighty Southern Region" are remarkable and in many cases have set a precedent in Zeta! To learn more, go to the "Mighty Southern Region" of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.
In 1937, the Southern Region invited the Boule to Houston. The 1937 Boule was the first held south of the Mason-Dixon line, which was the historic dividing line between North and South. Forty-five voting delegates attended.
Between 1937 and 1943, the Southern Region grew into the largest region in the sorority. It still bears the name it was given during these years, "The Mighty Southern Region", because it was so strong and gave such excellent leadership to the national body. Many of the projects undertaken by the Southern Region were adopted by the national body, and the national body has grown with many of the ideas initiated in the Southern Region, such as the Blue Revue. The region grew so rapidly and became so large that eventually all states except Texas and Louisiana were reassigned to other regions. This was a logical move because the two states border each other, and there are enough colleges and communities in the two states to warrant a region. Despite their geographic separation, chapters in the region are linked together by a regional director with the assistance of state directors and regional elected and appointed officers.
The Alpha Kappa Zeta Chapter is the sponsoring graduate chapter of Omicron Theta from which our current Regional Director, Keisha M. Beasley became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.
The achievements of the "Mighty Southern Region" are remarkable and in many cases have set a precedent in Zeta! To learn more, go to the "Mighty Southern Region" of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated.
Past Presidents from the Southern Region
We are proud to have four National Presidents who hail from the Southern Region! All have added wisdom, guidance, and stability.
- Lullelia Walker Harrison from Houston, Texas - 12th National President,
- Isabel Morgan Herson from Baton Rouge, Louisiana - 16th National President
- Dr. Barbara West Carpenter from Baton Rouge, Louisiana - 21st International President, and
- Mary Breaux Wright from Houston, TX - 24th International President.